Myotherapy – not ‘just a massage’

November 6, 2014While massage therapies are a very important aspect of myotherapy, many people fail to understand that massage is just one component to myotherapy. Geelong myotherapy at Geelong Natural Therapies uses a variety of modalities to achieve pain relief, and identify the cause of pain. These include many more options than just massage such as: Orthopaedic and...
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Myotherapy to assist Back Pain

June 30, 2014Poor core strength and core stability is a major contributor of lower back pain and is something that can affect people of all ages. Eliminating lower back pain is difficult unless you address the true cause, which is often a lack of core stability. Your core muscle groups are a brace for your spine and...
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Geelong Myotherapists Easing Pain

June 2, 2014Living with constant pain doesn’t just have a physical impact on sufferers, the emotional impact can leave people devastated and worried for their future. The team at Geelong Natural Therapies understand how constant pain can niggle away at a persons’ psyche and uses a number of methods to identify and treat the cause of pain...
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Heat Packs recommended by Geelong Myotherapists

May 22, 2014Be careful of using smelly old wheatbags over and over and over again – it could lead to a house fire. Not many people realise that over time the grains within wheatbags can dry out and heating them in the microwave can result in a smouldering fire, especially dangerous is the wheatbag is used while...
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More than Geelong massage therapists

March 31, 2014Massage therapists at Geelong Natural Therapies can prescribe therapeutic aids to assist clients who need to pay attention to their posture as part of their ongoing recovery. Geelong Natural Therapies stocks a quality therapeutic pillow and heat pack range by Thera-med, an Australian company that aims to provide premium quality Australian made postural comfort pillows...
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What is Geelong Myotherapy?

January 20, 2014Myotherapy is often overlooked as a treatment option because people simply don’t understand what myotherapy is – so what is myotherapy? It’s helpful to start with the understanding that ‘myo’ means muscle. So basically, Geelong myotherapists assess, diagnosis, and treat pain derived from muscles of the body, and also fascia (which is a covering that...
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